Choose from a wide array of muntin (grid) variations to achieve your design style. We offer the following options, but if you do not see what you need, contact us and we’ll gladly help find a solution.
Grids Between the Glass are economical and maintenance free.
Exterior Applied Grids are non-adhesive & located within the sash frame. They provide a profile option which is easy to maintain, durable, Historical-Society approved, and aesthetically appealing.
Exterior Applied Grid in Beveled Frame
Exterior Applied Grid in Frame
Exterior Applied Grid in Frame with Flat Interior SDL
Simulated Divided Lites are offered in several profiles and thicknesses to match existing or re-create Historic designs.
Adhesive Contour Exterior SDL + GBG + Flat Interior SDL
Interior aluminum snap trim & exterior panning available for all models. The PDFs below show our standard options. You may contact WinTech for custom sizes and/or profiles.

Double Hung
Anti-drift latch
Auto-latch sill
Stainless steel L & K
Die cast L & K
Heavy Duty Locking Tilt Latches
Limit stops
Ultra-lift balances
Horizontal Sliders
Auto-latch at jambs
Stainless Steel L & K
Die Cast L & K
Standard roller assembly
Heavy Duty roller assembly
Cam locks
Multipoint locks
Rotory operators
Pole operable cam handles
Under-screen push bars
4 bar hinge
Butt hinge
coming soon
Alcoa Sills
2-1/2″ Accessories
3-1/4″ Accessories
4-1/8″ Accessories